Urine Samples

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We have changed the way we manage urine testing at St Johns Surgery. If you think you have a urine infection you will need to speak to a GP or Nurse who will discuss your symptoms and then decide if a test is required. There are three key changes that Patients will need to be aware of:

· We ask that you do not hand in a sample unless you have been asked to do so. Any samples not requested by a clinician will not be taken by the Surgery.

· If you have been asked to provide a sample, these need to be received by Reception before 12:30. Only in exceptional circumstances when a GP has requested the sample will one be taken after 12:30 and the GP will inform Reception to expect this. Please follow the GPs instructions.

· In line with NICE Guidance, urine dips are not always carried out in the surgery as they are not a reliable means of testing for infection in some patient groups. In these cases, your sample will be sent to the hospital laboratory for testing if indicated.

For further information, please read our guidance document here.